Quote Originally Posted by taft2012 View Post
... and for the record, anyone who poses a threat to my life or the lives of any officers working with me with deadly physical force, during the course of us acting duly and doing our legal duties, shouldn't be surprised if they're rewarded with a consolation prize of an eternal plot of real estate like the gentleman won outside the Empire State Building yesterday.l
It is best not to let the government pit the police against the law abiding citizens IMHO. For doing so pits ones duty against the duty of the other. Our police are here to serve the citizenry not the illegal and tyrannical dictates of a corrupted government hell bent on taking away our Rights. Police should refuse to enforce such unlawful orders and should think of their family's future as well as this nation IMHO. Our government wanted a treaty that would authorise foreign troops coming here to enforce anti-gun laws (it has failed). Thats because they did not trust that our military would obey unlaw orders to kill our citizens over unconstitutional gun confiscation. Police should wise up that they will be forced to help destroy this nation and they should refuse. Otherwise the citizen will have no other recourse but to defend also against the police too. We as citizens should make all police officers understand this IMHO.--Tyr