Quote Originally Posted by CSM View Post
Hitler relied on men like you. "Go round up the Jews and kill them all; it's the law!"
No, he relied upon people like you who see wrong and do nothing about it except piss and moan on the internet.

The difference being between Hitler and the United States of America; WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO CHANGE THE GOVERNMENT AT THE BALLOT BOX.

I realize it is convenient for you to ignore that little factoid.

The simple truth is; the government we have is the one we selected. Do I agree with it all of the time? Hell no, in fact most of the time I disagree with it. That doesn't mean they are oppressive Nazis and that I have go out and start shooting people. That just means that I, and my fellow patriots at the local level, have to start getting our message out better.

The bottom line is I and the other posters in opposition to your Nazi philosophy DO respect the law. We do vote.
So did Hitler and the Nazis. And when they had trouble getting everything exactly the way they wanted it through democratic means, they burned down the Reichstag and picked up weapons.

So in a comparison of you and me; which one sounds more like Hitler when the democratic process fails to delivery everything precisely the way he personally wants it? You or me?