I'm currently tackling Patrick O'Brian's Master and Commander, the first of his Aubrey/Maturin Novels and the partial basis for the movie. Other later novels have more elements. V4R is engaged in S.M.Stirling's The Tears of the Sun. If any of you have not read Dies the Fire and it's sequels please do. I have read that NBC is doing a new TV series called Revolution. It sounds like a complete rip-off of Stirling's universe except that network bigshots obviously believed the pagan influence permeating Stirling's post-apocalyptic world wouldn't play in Iowa. For sure they couldn't have the witchy folk be the good guys. Only funny thing is the book V4R is into is on my Nook. I know now I have to get him one for his birthday next month. Then I can just loan him the copy from mine.