Site was just down for about 45 minutes or maybe a tad longer. Not exactly sure what happened, but I can tell you that HTTP, and a few other services were down and listed as so at my providers website. I'd tell more, but they still haven't even opened my ticket yet.

A few days ago when we had issues, I sent out several emails to their management, the owner included. If someone is on vacation, they should have an auto reply in this business. If they are unable to get to email, someone else should be monitoring it. I've not received replies from anyone - and only excuses from support services.

After 9 years with this company, I will be leaving. I believe I have a new host ready, and they can transfer the site over for me. This will also require me updating nameservers with my registrar, and downtime as a result. Rather than take chances, I will likely just temporarily close down the site, have them perform a backup of the entire site and confirm to me once they have it in their hands. Once that is complete, I will update nameservers as they get me operational on new server. Hopefully the propagation will be fairly quick. I will try to plan this, if I can, for very late at night or very early in the morning.

I will update everyone before I proceed with anything.