Quote Originally Posted by Nukeman View Post
So you were there?? witnessed the "shrieking" you saw all this unfold infront of your eyes. I can as easily state he looked inebriated (he is a Kennedy after all) and was attempting to abduct a child. He became beligerant and attacked nursing staff who were protecting his new born child... He was not going about his life in peace, he was in a public setting in a hospital who's primary mission is the safety of all not some morons feeling of doing what ever I want to do.

Once again, why didn't he calmly walk back to the room to discuss the walk like civilized man and work out any concerns the staff may have had instead of assaulting the nursing staff who were trying to protect a very fragile new born infant??? Why did he over react?? can you at least admit he way OVER REACTED????!!!!??

AS for the Dr's statement they were aggresive.. I beleive that was VERBAL not physical except to block a door way and to secure the babies head from bouncing around sense Mr. Kennedy didn't seem to be concerned about that or the fact that he choose to fight with a new born in his hands. HE did NOT have his childs best interest at heart and If you believe he did WHY DID HE NOT GO BACK TO THE ROOM AND DISCUSS IT RATIONALY???????
The only aggressors were the nurses!
he undetected imo