Topics: Donna JohnsonPatriot Guard Riderswestboro baptist church

A member of the infamous Westboro Baptist Church was tackled on Saturday by an angry soldier at a funeral for fallen Army Staff Sgt. Donna Johnson in North Carolina.
“So at the funeral today for Fallen Soldier Sgt. Johnson a Westboro member decided it would be smart to stomp on the American flag,” the blog Guardian of Valor explained. “A Soldier did not take kindly to that and broke through the line, hitting one of the protesters that was disgracing Old Glory. As he was being arrested, two other Soldiers rescued the flag.”
The Westboro Baptist Church believes that God is punishing the United States because of America’s acceptance of homosexuality, and has gained infamy for picketing the funerals of public figures and military members.
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Johnson, 26, was killed by a suicide bomber in Afghanistan.

Raw Story (
The Westboro scum make a mockery of our rigts, while disrespecting those that sacrifice so much to insure those rights. They agitate and provoke to get attacked then make money on lawsuits from those attacks. Were I ever to be involved the asshat I busted up would never come back to play such games.
That woman gave her life protecting this nation and they do this crap at her funeral. Too bad they all were not beaten half to death IMHO..-Tyr