Monday night is the third and last debate, in Florida. It's on "Foreign Policy," meaning generally our relations with other nations.

The other two debates have been very powerful vote-movers, and I expect this one to be a big vote-mover too.

For Obama, I think his main problem is that he's vulnerable to Romney using the phrases "I'll never bow to any other country" and "My administration will never apologize to America," since the bowing and apologizing he did were very unpopular here.

For Romney, I think he has to reassure the public that he isn't a warmonger and is not in the pay of Israel: that visit to Israel did NOT look good, with Bibi constantly pressing, "Let's you and him fight!" Also not to threaten to draw out yet, yet longer our losing Forever Wars in Afghanistan and other worthless sandpits.

I think women in particular are heartily sick of all these pointless wars that are driving the country into deep deficits and dependency on China. Romney somehow reversed a lot of the female opposition to him in earlier debates, and he needs to be careful not to drive women right back to Obama by seeming too enthusiastic about war, war, war. More women vote than men do, so we are an important voting bloc, and women are in general not enthusiastic about Forever Wars, I think, so he needs to reassure the public that he is not a warmonger, and Obama needs to try to paint him as aggressive.

Do others have ideas on the important foreign issues that this last debate might cover?