The thing about these large families, is they are reproducing at the rate that most of the country was about 70 years ago. I hate comparing our country to Europe and the rest of the world, but several countries are actually trying to PAY families to have multiple children, because their birth to death rate is so off, the number of children expected to enter the workforce is declining at a huge rate. And because our country has become a WIIFM society, and abortion is legal, we might be on the same path. The income tax credit helps, but only those who make below a certain amount. And celebrities are always adopting because they don't want to stop their careers or because they are afraid of gaining weight for 3/4 of a year.

I would love have more children biologically but getting pregnant again could jeopardize my health. I have residual blood pressure and heart issues from being pregnant only twice.

I commend this and other families for having as many children as they can handle in all areas, as long as they do not rely upon the government for help, although most of the kids in these families are hardly leeches. Honestly, I would have just as many kids if I was physically able to. Although we are already looking into either adoption or surrogate mothers because we do want at least a 3rd.