Quote Originally Posted by mundame View Post
Originally Posted by Robert A WhitWhy did you bother to vote? Remember when people such as you cast a vote for Ross Perot? Did that help them at all?

Wait ---- is voting supposed to be about "helping people," like giving out lots of extra food stamps or making war on benighted Afghans to "help" them?

I voted for Perot, but it never occurred to me to suppose it was about helping people. I just thought he'd be the best president. Well, admittedly, after Perot quit the race once, my faith in him got a little tarnished, but I did it anyway.

I don't think the theory of democracy has anything to do with "helping" people with one's vote.
Yes. You voted to help Perot.
It is my mission to try to mentor posters as to what it takes to make a good president. As I stated, I looked hard at Perot out of some annoyance with Bush 41 and of course I did not want Clinton to win. Apparently you did not mind Clinton winning. Were I Clinton, I would have sent people like you a thank you card.

Perot understood business and too often Democrats don't like business so they trash experts in business. I jumped off the Perot bandwagon when he quit. I don't back quitters.

This country is not exactly a democracy since the public plays no part in how the Feds govern. Voting each 4 years for a new guy is a crude way to govern. Sort of like the ships captain sails for Hawaii but heads to Alaska and 4 years later voters want a new captain.

Obama is going the wrong way. Clinton had lots more experience than Obama but as we know now, the man was too much interested in the ladies, including other mens wives but thankfully republicans were on hand to force him to steer the proper course.