Tiger Woods once had a almost perfect image. That is until reality stepped in and the truth came out. That truth completely shattered the very false hyped up image that had been spoonfed to the world for so long and was ever so carefully protected by his fawning media. Compare that story to obama's fawning media protection and carefully crafted image that was the major factor in his winning the first election. Now , a bit of reality has started to step in and the people are starting to see obama for what he truly is, just like they did with Tiger Woods. Only they are not doing so fast enough for we that have known the truth for so long. Imagine how bad it is to know how gullible and damn stupid that many people are in this nation! It hurts my soul to realise our Public Education System has failed us so badly that this scam artist actually won in 2008. And that folks is why obama's answer to most things when not reading a teleprompter is , "I'd hire more teachers." = hire more failure!
We, the people are about to do some hiring and some firing.
First step to recovery= FIRE THAT BASTARD!--Tyr

edit. apology in advance to those truly great teachers, there are some but not enough! My son has been lucky to have had two wonderful teachers. God bless such people.