
You Annoyed Me at Hello: Why Kids Still Need to Learn Manners

By Carolyn JonesOct. 18, 2012

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What are manners today? My 'kids' are now in their late 20's, one 30. I had problems with adults wanting them to call them by their first names back when. By no means did I grow up in a 'stuffy' household, but adults were to be respected, under most circumstances. I learned the differences as I got older, my parents explained when adults were not acting appropriately, whether a neighbor, teacher, or store keeper.

Pretty much I made my children call adults, Mr or Mrs or Ms. One of my very best friends now, but not before my children were born, said upon meeting my kids, "Call me B..." Ummm, no. Mrs. W., is how they'll address you, I'm Mrs. N to your kids. That is how it was for over a year, then it changed to 'Aunt B., Aunt K. and husbands similar. One other friend, earlier, same thing in 'Aunt', then again, she was two of my kids godmother.

School parents? Always Mr. Mrs. or Ms. Teachers? OMG! ALWAYS with a title. Same with coaches, though 'Coach Bob' would work too.

Writing thank you notes? From 3 on, sometimes just drawings, with "Thank You" copied.

Please, excuse me, thank you and no, thank you; all taught and expected. Invited to dinner at someone's home? Clear your plate, unless told not to. Say, "Thank you for inviting me, I really liked XXXX, do NOT mention anything you did NOT like!"

Not so hard.