Quote Originally Posted by -Cp View Post
And those types of people should never have kids - I'm all for sterilization in those cases.
So you're for sterilizing people who don't think utopia is living on a farm and kiling their own food. Personally, I think that's pretty sick. Perhaps we should focus on preventing the ignorant from having children.... how'd ya feel about that one?

Since when did "self" become so important? Oh, that's right.. it stemmed from that ignorant idea of "You have to take care of #1 first.. and it's all about you!"
As opposed to it being all about *you*, of course.

Dunno.. why did Christ say "It's easier for a Camel to go thru the eye of a needle than it is for a Rich man to enter heaven?

And "do not lay up your treasures here on Earth where rust and moth can destroy"...
And those words have meaning to me because???

Materialism - and the consumer mentality that goes along with it is all about self-absortion and that always leads to destruction...
I'd say you're the one who's self-absorbed...