Surah 2. Al-Baqara, Ayah 87

To Musa (Moses) We gave the Book (Torah) and sent after him other Rasools in succession; then We gave Isa (Jesus), the son of Maryam (Mary), clear Signs and strengthened him with the Holy Spirit (Gabriel). Why is it that whenever there came to you a Rasool with a message which did not suit your desires, you became so arrogant that some you called impostors and others you killed!
So, 'Allah' gave Jesus strength through the Holy Spirit (capitalization denotes an entity in keeping with the Christian Holy Trinity), and yet people like Jafar here, who claim to be good little Muslims, deny them, call them imposters and try to kill them.

Surah 5:46
And We sent, following in their footsteps, Jesus, the son of Mary, confirming that which came before him in the Torah; and We gave him the Gospel, in which was guidance and light and confirming that which preceded it of the Torah as guidance and instruction for the righteous.
So, again, 'Allah' gave Jesus the Gospel, said it contained guidance and light, yet 'good Muslims' like Jafar call the Gospels corrupt and lies.

Since 'Allah' gave the Gospels, that would mean Jafar just called Allah a liar.
Surah 5:68

Say, "O people of the scripture, you have no basis until you uphold the Torah, and the Gospel, and what is sent down to you herein from your Lord." For sure, these revelations from your Lord will cause many of them to plunge deeper into transgression and disbelief. Therefore, do not feel sorry for the disbelieving people.
Another example of Islamic teaching saying the Torah and Bible were from 'Allah' and should be upheld and believed. Yet, 'good little Muslims' like Jafar, continue to call 'Allah' a liar, by claiming the Gospel was corrupted and a lie.
And the biggie...
Now the biggie. Something your lying imams and mullahs think they can slide by you.

Subtract 632 AD when Muhammd died like a normal man after being poisoned --from 350 AD when the two copies of the Christian Gospels, one located in the Vatican (Codex Vaticanus 325-350 AD) and the other located in the British Museum (Codex Siniaticus 350 AD) date to. AD indicates After Christ. Guess what that is these Gospels date to 282 years before Muhammad died. AND WE CAN STILL READ THEM TODAY.

"They" could not have changed the Christian Gospels after Muhammad, since there are around 5,300 manuscripts of the whole or part of the Greek text of the New Testament (Injeel) pre-dating Muhammad still in existence. Worldwide, there are 24,800 copies of these original manuscripts.

The Christian Gospels were written between 20-45 years after Jesus ascended bodily into heaven in front of many, many witnesses.

So if Muhammad said they were correct in 632 A.D., and what are in the Museums have not changed. Then it is impossible for the Christian Gospels to have been changed/corrupted.

Your dilemma then dear Muslim is this. If you say the Christian Gospels have changed/been corrupted. Then you just called Muhammad a liar.

Muslims should note that nowhere in the Qur'an there is there even a suggestion that the Biblical text has been altered or corrupted. The word "tahrif" is never used with reference to the Bible itself.
Really just destroys Jafar's claims that the Gospels were somehow 'corrupted' somewhere along the line after Mohammad.