Quote Originally Posted by fj1200 View Post
It took you long enough to start in with the unsubstantiated, and false btw, claims. You must have been chomping at the bit.

You are against marriage for some who are raising kids together and you have yet to set forth your definitions by which to legislate.
the fact that two people are raising kids together, don't change or have anything to do with marriage and the definition of it, legislate by what is or is not detrimental to children in public, actually like i told you before there are still such laws on the books in some places, we just don't enforce them, also the FCC was established for the same reason, but has become another Government wast of money, see i would like to be able to take my kids to a Restaurant, Ball Game, or pump gas without people around use spewing filthy language, or have it thumping from there cars radio, but people like you are why we have to deal with it, because you have shown that you have no respect or use for Family or Traditional values, i know it wont help them but, i do fell sorry for you kids if you have any