How do you know that what you believe is right? Can you? Is it possible to know? To answer 'you can't know' seems to be threatening to many, even to myself, and especially to those who say, "you don't need to know, that's why its called faith" (who are ironically the same people who define faith as being sure of things hoped for. Being sure.... is that not knowing?).

Why is it so hard to say for us to say 'you can't know'? Maybe because our entire well-being is totally contingent upon our belief structure. It has been said, "Theology is the discipline that orders life."

However, most people don't answer 'you can't know' because they believe that you can. Most people believe they know truth because they learned it, reasoned it, felt it, or read some set of Holy Scriptures. The funny things is: it's the same story across the board. The Americanized Christian has the same argument as the Shaolin priest in Japan. Everybody thinks they're right. I guess it would be pretty scary if they didn't know the truth.

So here are the options:
1) knowledge of the truth is possible, which makes a lot of people wrong and a few right
2) or you just can't know, but only hope that you're close to some truth