Quote Originally Posted by Little-Acorn View Post
Don't repeal the 2nd amendment.

Just modify it. (Yes, you can amend an amendment.)

Get rid of the first thirteen words, whose purpose was to explain why the right could not be infringed. That will get rid of the gun-haters' most common dodge: Pretending that the 2nd only applied to people (or weapons) in the military.

Then add, "No exceptions but those decided for a particular case by Jury Nullification, are permitted for any reason."

This takes away ANY authority of any government, to decide who can or can't own and cary a gun.

Then only parents can decide whether their kids will be allowed to own and carry.

And if a cop takes away a gun from someone the cop thinks was going to use it illegally, and the guy sues the cop under the (modified) second amendment, a jury can decide whether to let the cop off or not... but no one else can. Including a judge.

The bad news is, convicted felons who have served their sentences, cannot have their right to own a gun, taken away. Serving his sentence, restores his right afterward. And non compos mentis also cannot have their guns taken away.

The good news is, government can never take YOUR guns away either, no matter how hard they try.

I submit that a society in which both the good news and the bad news above is true, will be a more peaceful, safer, and more prosperous society, than one where the govt is given ANY authority to restrict or take guns away. Because govt will always abuse and expand its power, as ours is doing today. Neither society is perfectly safe... but one is safer than the other.

I am with ya man.

Great post.