I didn't get to see the entire hearings yesterday, but from what I see it doesn't look like the subject of Huma Abedin was brought up at all.

She should be put up before Congress and asked; what role did she play in key intelligence not reaching the Secretary of State?

What role did she play in perpetuating the lie that the attack was inspired by a "disgusting video"?

If there were dispatches sent to Hillary about the Muslim Brotherhood mobilizing against our embassy in Benghazi.... and Hillary's confidante is the daughter of founding members of the Muslim Brotherhood and Muslim Sisterhood, isn't there at least a slight *POSSIBILITY* she may have played a role in blocking that intelligence from reaching Hillary?

Huma Abedin is the daughter of Islamic fundamentalists, a female who was approved for higher education, gets to do magazine spreads in short skirts, marry an American Jew and bear him a child, and participate in some sort of platonic (or worse) lesbian relationship with the Secretary of State. If ever there was a candidate for a sharia death sentence, it's Huma Abedin. Yet, there she remains.

Unfortunately, we've reached a point where we're not even allowed to ask those obvious questions.