Jews(and I mean jewish leaders and such, not individual people) are self-victimizing, for as long as they've been in existence they've been portraying themselves on a large scale as the victims. It's a lot like blacks have been since the civil rights movement, everything bad that happens to them is about them being a hated race. The holocaust was hardly a genocide and yet the jews fight tooth and nail to take complete credit(whatever you would call it) for being the only victims of the holocaust... the truth is that compared to the Jewish population density in poland, the numbers of jews killed to everyone else killed during the holocaust are just about even. yet all you ever hear is 6 million jews, somewhere between 15 and 20 million people were executed during the holocaust. Now I hold no grudge against Jewish people, but jewish leaders continually take the victim position, just like most groups of people when they can pull it off, they've just been pulling it off longer and more wide spread than any other group. When you can convince people you are the victim, you do... thats the way it works.