Quote Originally Posted by Little-Acorn View Post
These terrorists are the ones killing US "with little regard to borders/consequences".


I find it astonishing that people whose first concern is supposedly the safety and well-being of Americans, are sayng that because terrorists who have retreated behind some line in the soil while making war against us, therefore cannot be treated like they making war against us.

Are you people right in the head?

They are the enemy. They have declared themselves so. They are making war against the United States. They have killed thousands of us already... and they didn't worry about "borders and consequences" when they did it.

So now, if we see them, we kill them. And if we can do it without putting American's live in further danger, so much the better. And no, we do not put them on trial, any more than we put armed German or Japanese soldiers on trial during WWII.

And if there is an American citizen who is going to them, living with them, dressing like them, "adhering" to them (as a certain founding document put it) while they are doing these things, he would be well advised to get the hell out of the way while they are making their war against us.

What part of "WAR" don't you understand?

I can't believe I need to explain this to people.

Especially twice.

YES, I applaud this. You've expressed the proper attitude to take. I wholeheartedly agree !