I started in the church as a young guy as a deacon. At all times, those older than me at church were very respectful and at no time approached in any disrespectful the boys.

Sundays we handled setting up the table that had the cups of water (no drinking wine in church) and put bits of bread in other paper cups. I honestly can't recollect if we also went up and down the aisles passing it out. I think we also did that.

As I got older, I passed up the ranks to be a Priest. I should be an Elder had I kept attending church.

In my church experience in the boy scouts, a guy who was older than me was a homosexual and i was not aware of it till he asked me to sleep at his home where he tried to make a move.

I shut that down and never had contact with him again other than during scouts meetings.

I admit that on one weekend camping trip me and another scout peed in water and he wanted water and we handed it to him. This homosexual had gone with us for a merit badge. Since the water came from a stream, he did not know we peed in his water.