How anyone could allow these babies must walk the Earth without a heart

I am not surprised the liberal media is ignoring this story as it shines the light of truth on abortion clinics

A Delaware woman who worked for Kermit Gosnell testified Tuesday that she was called back to a room at his abortion clinic in Philadelphia where the bodies of aborted babies were kept on a shelf to hear one screaming amid the bodies of aborted babies kept on a shelf.

Sherry West said she was loyal to Gosnell, the doctor facing multiple counts of murder for allegedly killing children after they were delivered alive at his clinic during abortion procedures. The 53-year-old Bear resident testified that the incident of the screaming baby “really freaked me out.”

When Assistant District Attorney Joanne Pescatore pressed for specifics about the incident, West struggled to answer, clearly uncomfortable with the memory.

“I can’t describe it. It sounded like a little alien,” West said, telling the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas judge and jury that the body of the child was about 18 to 24 inches long and was one of the largest babies she had seen delivered during abortion procedures at the Women's Medical Society clinic.

At the time Gosnell was operating that clinic, he was also working at a since-closed Wilmington abortion clinic.

West, who said she called aborted babies “specimens” because “it was easier to deal with mentally,” said a co-worker had called her back to the room that night because she did not know what to do. West said the baby’s eyes and mouth were not yet completely formed and it was lying on a glass tray on a shelf and she told the co-worker to call Gosnell and fled the room.

“I didn’t look at it long,” she said.

She later made it clear that she called it “a baby” in her testimony “because that is what it is.”

West also testified that she saw many women getting abortions at the clinic who looked like they were “too far gone” in their pregnancies to have abortions. “Their stomachs were big,” she said.

Gosnell, 72, who passively watched the proceedings from the defense table, is facing a possible death sentence if convicted.