Okay, so I sat down and finally got into Dr. Who. It was one of those shows that I kept meaning to get to, and it just didn't come together for me, either because I didn't have the time, or because the friends that were trying to press it on me were far too rabid about it, and would've ruined it for me.

But I finally got some spare time, and my netflix account to draw. So, starting with the classic Dr. Who, I worked my way forward "chronologically" (a series about space-time is always going to go a bit wonky on that end.), and I'm fully caught up, in the span of about a week (Yeah, I watched alot of Dr. Who back to back.). So armed with my newfound love of the series, I went to poke about some Whovian fansites.... and came away with this question:

What is with all the Clara-hate?

Seriously, it's like she somehow pissed in everyone's Wheaties at once, and I don't get it. She's only a few eps into her role as companion to The Doctor, and everybody seems to be in a constant state of bitching about her. Having watched so much of it recently, I guess maybe I just have an altered perspective on the whole run. As far as I've seen, every companion The Doctor has had has started out as being fairly one-dimension for a few eps, until the writers really figure out where they're going with their individual storylines.