Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
Oh, I believe you! Anyone wanting an idea of what a left wing kook ran site looks like, simply go to democraticunderground! All you need do there is introduce yourself as a republican and they will ban you. They WANT voices from only one side. My old board, which went from like 500,000 posts to about 7 million since I sold it, is infested with chaos and fighting. Great, threads are 20 pages long an hour after you start them, but they are useless. I know what you speak of.

But one man is not an infestation, and he's not the type you would ever find schmoozing over at DU either. I know you may not want to hear it, but he's WAY more conservative than he is a leftie - just not entirely right wing cool nutcases like you and I.

The only thing I would like to get overrun by is good discussions. If what you saw at that old board ever happens here - remind me - I'll pay the fees for a new domain and hosting and start us a new website myself!
It's tempting to try and join up there, just to aggravate the hell out of them (it's a knack ..) ...

As for any rerun of ruined, cesspitted forums ... happy to hold you to your promise ! But anyway, I was making a serious point - - Left-wingers DO work to either take over, or ruin, forums which they recognise as being anti-their interests. Don't be surprised if, someday, you suddenly find a great upsurge in membership interest which, when realised, turns out to be an enemy working from within.