Little backstory here. I have been a fan of the old '30's/40's pulp novels for years, Doc Savage in particular. One of many things missing in the aftermath of Sandy was my entire print collection of the novels which were reprinted in paperback some years ago. I still have text files of them on my computer but somehow not the same. So I have begun the laborious process of haunting Amazon and other places to acquire the reprints made for the 75th anniversary. These editions have two stories per book and contain all the old interior illustrations and have interviews and commentary by authors and artists. I got my first 4 volumes last week and decided to read one tonight. So, I climbed in the bubble bath, glass of iced tea at hand and book at the ready. Next thing I know, V4R enters with a pint of Haagen Dazs chocolate. Luxury by the small spoonful and the paragraph. I am sure that there are many who require and have more than I have but I doubt they could have been as satisfied as I was by that hour taken out of my day to relax in the tub. Hope everyone here had a chance to enjoy the same feelings at some point this weekend, however you got there.