Alik Bahshi

International terrorism and interested parties

"In times of universal lies
to tell the truth - it extremism" George Orwell

"There is a national war
The Holy War " These are the words of the famous song of the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet Union,called on the people to defend the homeland from which invaded its territory,the Nazis. Epithet sacred - is the religion, and the Muslims' people's holy war"is not nothing but a jihad, jihad is the one that interested parties today, pursuing, especially their own, selfish political objectives, trying to intimidate the people of Europe and America, the virtual Islamic conspiracy,deliberately looking for the roots of terrorism in religion. Why, in one case,the holy war is a positive sense, and in another (Afghanistan, Chechnya) -Negative?
In an attempt to hide from the international community the real causes of today's terrorism and deflect blame for its occurrence, interested parties, using shortcuts, replace true with false notions. Moreover, they want to present them selves that way defenders of Western civilization against Islam - an extremist, in their interpretation, thereligious ideology that threatens the values ​​of democracy. By the way, I want to mention that every religious dogma is in herently anti-democratic, and, as history has shown, when the clergy came to political power (medieval Europe,Iran, Afghanistan), it was judged obscurantism. Therefore, in civilized countries, separation of religion and state. Islam, along with Christianity,Buddhism and Judaism, is one of the major religions, and to blame Islam, and with it a quarter of the world population, of aiding international terrorismor, even more, because of its appearance, at least, unwise. That appearance,because the modern international terrorism, a phenomenon of our time and is notfrom the past. Not a correlation between the emergence of Islam as a religious ideology and terrorism as a phenomenon. Yes, terrorism is associated with some countries, whose people practice Islam, but the causes of terror are entirely different plane. In addition, deliberate on the part of interested parties or failed search for roots of terror in religion poses a great threat to the world community and opens a Pandora's box from which you will start to spread around the world hate religious fanaticism, which can actually lead to a clash of civilizations. And it is this latter-day prophets sought type of Osama bin Laden and Tehran obscurantism, for an open confrontation between East and Westwould be a justification for terrorist activities for the first and the desireto have a nuclear weapon for the latter.

“Tell a lie, repeated many times, it becomes true”. There are other version ofa “lie can take off like a chicken, but it can not fly." Can not claim to which of these sayings is more correct, but what lies can bring a lot of trouble - no doubt. The only thing that puts everything in its place this time,it is severely punished for the evil committed by the lie, because to pay for everything, so the world works, but time can not return to this lie ruined lives and destinies.

To get to the truth, to find sources of international terrorism, to understand its causes, which, without adoubt, there must be operated only by facts, discard bias and with great careto generalize, terms and labels, and sometimes, and insults to a people orreligious denomination.
First of all, we need to understand the terminology, which had grown terrorism.Terrorism - is all that is connected with terrorism. The history of war shows that terror is an integral part of military strategy. Especially, itdemonstrated the Second World War, in which, in order to intimidate and suppress the enemy morale, the two warring sides used out terror directed mainly against unprotected civilians. At the same time, to achieve maximum effect, that is, as many victims, special emphasis on stealth and surprise. Remember how the Germans bombed Minsk and Coventry, the Allies Dresden and Leipzig. Alas, the U.S. atomic bomb brought a sudden death in the early morning hours of civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were intended for them. Surpriseand treachery are the first element in the success of any military enterprise,which in this case is different from the terror produced by a suicide bomber inthe subway, plane or bus, except that the size and number of victims. The same principle of total terror strategy was laid out in the Cold War, when all the major cities is a target for nuclear war heads of intercontinental missiles.
We understand and respect the guerrillas, but the methods of guerrilla war fare are all familiar with this ambush, sudden attack and escape, the attack finally. In view of the enormous difference in the armament and technical equipment, men can not resist the regular army inopen battle. The strength of the guerrillas usually higher moral motivation, in comparison with the occupiers. Support of the people (in fact, it is the guerrillas people) and exceptional willingness to sacrifice that completely absent from the invaders, leading to a long, exhausting struggle, in which the aggressor is ultimately defeated.

This brings us to an important point about terminology. Remember the King George Hotel, exploded in the era of the British Mandate. British death toll there to it was a terrorist attack,p roduced by Jewish terrorists (or, if you prefer, the guerrillas). That is one and the same fact under mining the hotel has two very different moral interpretations. If a Russian, put bomb in the path of German train, ahero-partisan, the Afghans and Chechens defeated the Russian convoy called dushmanov, Mujahideen bandits, in a word terrorists. It should be noted that after September 11 Chechens, whom the media usually called militants hungadditional label. From now on, the Kremlin version, they are declared international terrorists in order to find sympathy and understanding from the stricken America. Most interestingly, this is actually what happened. Bush is asimpleton, who had to spawn a lot of political mistakes, get hooked KGB officer Putin, giving them an opportunity without regard to the West and to fearlessly continue the practice of "soaking in the toilet" at the state level.Gangster slang Russian president is consistent with the action of the Russianarmy in Chechnya. Moreover, with the acquiescence of the Bush, Putin emasculated and almost wiped out all the democratic achievements of Yeltsinera. Had tragedy in New York during the Russian intervention in Afghanistan, and the Afghan guerrillas would certainly international terrorists. The Kremlinis at the origin legends of Islamic invasion and strongly supports it, because a considerable part of it to the end of the collapsed empire in habited by peoples professing Islam.

Two hundred years before the Afghancompany outside Russia invaded the Caucasus. Note, not mountaineers descended from the mountains, and the Russian came to him and not with bread and salt. Sword and fire Russian mountaineers conquered, as the archive documents the eloquent message of the king's general AP Yermolov Alexander - in 1819 during the war in the Caucasus: I did march in the mountains, using the general terrorand flight, and destroyed several villages, all the bread in the fields and notone person in your path, so cleared the enemy. "There same: was ordered to exterminate the village, and by the way, ruining beautiful village of 800 houses, called Ulu Aya. Hence, with such haste fled residents that left several nursing children. BUSTED needed as a proud monument of punishment and none of the people had never pokorstvovavshegosya , to the edification of all the nations, on which some useful examples of terror imposed restraint "(Notes AP Ermolov while driving Georgia).

There is no need to comment on this"hero" of the Russian troops, I will mention only two centuries ago that the situation is not much different from punitive action that holds the Russian military in Chechnya today. In essence, this den of terrorists international scale is outside the Kremlin. Terror is when the Russian tanks crushed the people in Budapest, Prague and Riga, terror is when sapper shovels soldiers killed women in Tbilisi, terror, when the Russian is deprived of life, millions of Afghans, terror, is when heavy artelleriya aviation and leveled to the ground and Bamut Samashki, with orders to violence came from the samepeople in the Kremlin, which include a former Communist and KGB officer Putin. But with such a fighter c terror, humanist and specialist soak in the toilet,but as it turned out unexpectedly, and circumcision, and cooperates President Bush to combat international terrorism. Particularly striking for flag rantlawlessness proposal of the Public Prosecutor of Russia to punish relatives of Chechen fighters - a kind of Russian version of the Sicilian vendetta or stateterrorism with a "human face".

Moscow is well aware that as longas there are people and ineradicable longing for freedom, so defiant people ofthe Caucasus deported three times and twice under the communists, despite thefact that the father of Communism, Karl Marx as an example for the fight forthe freedom of the peoples of the Caucasus.
Independence, which proclaimedChechen people through democratic reforms in Russia, turned to him out terrorfrom the Russian side, which shows the ruins of Grozny, reminiscent ofStalingrad, and the ashes, completely wiped out in the bombing Bamut andSamashki, no different from the destroyed Coventry . Hundreds of thousands ofdead, contiguous strip, after which all disappear, they are capable of bearingarms, military bullying type of Colonel Budanov, here is the price for thelittle people for wanting to be free. To silence the voice of truth, Kremlinauthorities do not stop even in the accomplishment attack outside Russia(assassination Zandarbieva).<o></o

Evil can only cause harm. The warunleashed by Russia, turned to her string of terrorist attacks by Chechens,Nord-Ost "and Beslan. Way, the events associated with the Nord-Ost",a landmark that opened the real face of President Putin, for whom freedom ofspeech is as was an obstacle in the fight against terrorism, that is to say inthe strangulation of its own citizens. "Nord-Ost" can be taken as thedate of reference or landmark announcement Putin's all-out war with publicityand turn back to totalitarianism. Anyhow - Empire democracy contraindicated!The massacre of the Russian authorities over his disagreeable people(Politkovskaya, Litvinenko) method is quite appropriate terrorist exemplifies the very evil that lurks behind the high walls of the Kremlin. The revival of totalitarianismin Russia again lead to the recent past, the East-West confrontation. Thiscowboy Bush not understand.<o></o

Next on terminology, say, may havebeen a Afghans, like Russian, declare a holy war (jihad), at a time whenRussian limited 'contingent, fulfilling their internationalist duty "andusing the most modern weapons, attempted to make their home in the regularcotton appendage of the Russian Empire. Russian soldier-internationalist (orsoldier on international affairs, which is the same), sowed death anddestruction left behind eight million dead Afghans, and in their eyes was noneother than the most, which is not on there, an international terrorist, and iftake account of religion, it is also a Christian, similar to Islam. Let me askyou then, who on whom nashestvoval? Election forgetfulness Putin's intention tosave the Empire from collapse, and even restore the old boundaries, that's themain reason why the West intimidation international terrorism, which is due toshort-term considerations awarded another epithet - Islamic.

A very important argument, denouncedthe Kremlin lies about global threat of Islamic extremism is Russia'sassistance in the implementation of Iran's nuclear program, which has onesingle goal - the creation of the atomic bomb. In the presence of vast naturalenergy resources in the form of oil and gas to spend money, in general, a poorcountry to build a nuclear reactor, supposedly for an alternative form ofenergy, is devoid of expediency and against this background that all theassurances of Tehran and Moscow, of a purely peaceful uses Reactor lookridiculous. It is noteworthy that Moscow has always respectful to totalitarianregimes, whether fascist, communist, or to a new kind of religious guise. Inthe face of the Islamic Republic of Iran last colonial empire found itself aworthy political ally, who is by nature rabid enemy of democracy. Kremlinpoliticians 'concerns' invasion of Islam, does not bother the opposite effect,contributing to the attainment of Iranian obscurantist terrible weapons. Thereis no apparent at first glance, a paradox. The fact that Russia and Iran sharecommon geopolitical interests and, then, in the rapprochement with Iran, theKremlin sees an adequate response to the expansion of NATO to the countriesthat have been in the recent past, the western colonies of the Soviet empire.That is why Tehran has remained silent on the genocide conducted against fellowRussian Chechnya. This again reveals the lie of World Islamic conspiracy. Transferinto the hands of religious fanatics of Tehran's nuclear technology, that'swhat actually constitutes a threat to peace, not the liberation struggle of thepeoples of the Caucasus.

Terrorism in Russia is the result ofthe colonial war in the Caucasus and for international it can be taken only ifwe consider that the war is between the Russian people and the Chechen peopleand no more. Moscow hangs on Chechen freedom fighters label internationalterrorists to confuse public opinion with the Jesuit order, first, to turn theminto criminals, led, some mythical foreign terrorist organization by the World Islamic conspiracy, second, to present part of their common enemy, dangerous both for Russia and for the United States, and third, to find sympathy, understanding and support for the protection of Western civilization from the barbarians.

But let me ask you, but what about11? There is certainly the work of international terrorists. Yes, but notfaceless international terrorists, and specifically, the same Arabs who, inresponse to Israel's self-guided missiles fired from F-16, use at leastaccurate weapon - a weapon of desperation, blowing them selves among the Jews incrowded streets of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, in buses and restaurants. Weapons of despair was also used by the Japanese in World War II against the Americanfleet in the Pacific. Kamikaze pilots were sent planes packed with explosives in to the aircraft carriers that are not inferior to their size skyscrapers ofNew York, America, and be better, nothing would deter the temptation to sendkamikaze aircraft bomb a skyscraper, anticipating, so on September 11. Happenlike that moralists would be hard to argue against such an action on the partof Japan, especially after the terrible tragedies of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,the tragedy that there is still no definitive status. Then interested parties today, seeing the roots of terrorism in Islam, nothing would be left asShintoism ranked as bad religion. Weakness, but the greatest motivation are thecause of the soldiers bombers (kamikaze suicide bombers), and in this case,religion is not the cause of bringing a sacrifice.

President Bush, having the opportunity at anytime to lower the curtain a bloody spectacle, stood by overseas dramas, where the blood is flowing not sham, as in, his usual, Hollywood blockbusters, and most did not eat the real thing.
Due to these historical circumstances, for the past half-century of the Palestinian people under occupation, and the other side in the form of refugees swept the neighboring countries, and if the Chechens in Russia are formally by its citizens, the Palestinians, the so-called controlled areas (read occupied) are not. They did nothing. The only right that is granted to them, and that only a special,carefully selected categories, it is with the permission of the authorities to leave the reservation for the heavy work for starvation wages. I do not presumeto predict what happened if the victorious countries occupied by Germany and Japan, have driven the German and Japanese to a state in which there are the Palestinians and the Chechens.