Alik Bakhshi<o></o
Trans-Caspian gas pipeline, or Third
World War <o></o

The idea of ​​a Greater Germany led to theSecond World War.<o></o

The idea of ​​creating a "GreaterArmenia" …<o></o

Baku and Baku Oil is one of the main strategic directions of the Wehrmacht in World War II, in the event of the success of allmilitary equipment of the Soviet Union immediately appealed to a useless scrapiron, and Germany gained much-needed source of fuel. Itso happened that after 60 years in Baku in the eyes gradually tightened knotgeopolitical issues far beyond regional, and able to quickly develop into alarger regional war, which has the potential to become the Third World.<o></o
At the heart of the emerging conflict isold expansionist policy in the Caucasus, Moscow, and easily predictable circumstances connected with the in evitable economic challenges that await inthe case of Russia, the Caspian states mining project and delivery of hydrocarbonsof the Caspian basin to Western Europe, bypassing Russia. Naturally Moscow will make every effort, until the military to maintain its monopoly in this vital area of ​​the economy for it. It is true the first attempt in the 2008 war with Georgia had failed. Unable to occupy Georgia, although the armored columns were already on the outskirts of Tbilisi. The fact is that having captured Georgia,Moscow takes control of operating oil pipeline Baku-Ceyhan oil pipeline and eliminates any possibility of hydrocarbon export Caspian countries by passing Russia. In addition, eliminating an important strategic gap - the continuity ofthe axis Moscow-Yerevan-Tehran. It is possible that the military provocation ofRussia in Georgia provoked strong Armenian lobby,because the isolated location of Armenia hinders not only military cooperation between the countries of the axis, but worsens the already tragic in terms ofthe state of the economy of Armenia.

The last episode of the eternal conflict between Russia and Turkey resulted in the late 19th century to the creation of a fixed boundary, namely, the territory of Yerevan khanate of Azerbaijan, the buffer zone by pushing the local Turkish population and its mass settlement of Armenians in Turkey and Iran.<o></o
To a lesser extent settling Armenians were in the Karabakh khanate. I must say, with the same success Russian might inhabit the area the Kurds, who, like the Armenians livedin the vast area of ​​the region, and there obviously has played a major rolereligious affiliation. Robust colonization of the Caucasus, especially in lightof the years of war with Shamil, Russia saw in the settlement of this territory by Christians, so there Kuban and Terek Cossacks in the North Caucasus and theArmenians in Azerbaijan.<o></o Armenians, as traders and artisans, rather dispersed lived in the territory of Turkey, Iran and the Caucasus, creating a compact focal population in large cities. So at the time of the conquest ofGeorgia's Armenians constituted 60% of the population of Tbilisi. An interesting fact in Iravani, the future capital of an artificial Armenia, Armenians and Kurds lived by 5%. In fact, the right to claim the same territory of the Kurds under the "Great Kurdistan" is no less than that of the Armenians under the "Great Armenia". Perhaps that is why, when,during the First World War, the Armenians, with the support of Russian, raiseda bloody revolt in Turkey, along with the destruction of the Turks and the Kurds were.<o></o
The Armenians were not directly linked to the land andmay be the reason in the lack of this people of the state until the Russian.Maybe I'm wrong, but still let me make some comments on the relationship of the people, his mentality and the state. People feed the land on which they live,engaging in farming, but there are people, such as the Roma, which the land assuch is of no value, the gypsies another way of being. Armenians are great craftsmen, traders, financiers, and it must be confessed, the organizers of mafia structures traditionally scattered through out the towns and the bulk of the land is not directly related. Proof of this catastrophic state of agriculture in Armenia, or rather its absence, and this despite the fact that the capture of a large Azerbaijani territory is suitable for agriculture. Freed from colonial rule, people have free access to their land, and the first thing that has developed is agriculture, such as neighboring Armenia, Azerbaijan is not only self-sufficient, but also exports of agriculture products in Russia,and only Armenia is an exception in this respect. After the ethnic cleansing ofArmenia does deprived farmers of Azerbaijani and somehow make ends meet due tothe powerful Armenian diaspora. As a consequence, once populated by ArmeniansRussian Erivan khanate, emptying, the population leaves an artificially created country for a prosperous life, spreading to other nations in line with theirmentality. Well, not as they are their own boots! In confirmation of what hasbeen said is a known fact - all Azerbaijani refugees from Armenia were in Azerbaijan, and all Armenian refugees had anywhere up to California, but not inArmenia. Therein lies, I repeat, in my opinion, the reason that the Armenianpeople had their state. And, if hypothetically, that the Armenian Nazis manage to create a "Great Armenia from sea to sea", then it will be no oneto live.<o></o

The practice of weaning of Azerbaijani lands by Armenia artificially created and continued under the Soviet regime, so in 1920, Moscow gave Zangezour Armenian region of Azerbaijan. Then Karabakh was giventhe status of an autonomous region with the renaming of a small village Hankendi (translated Khan's village) in the neighborhood of Shusha - the capital of Karabakh khanate in Stepanakert after Stepan Shaumyan, one of the 26Baku commissars participant terrible massacre in 1918, hosted by Dashnak inBaku , making it the capital of autonomy. Typically, the land acquisition was followed by the eviction of the Turkic population, followed by the destruction of land marks, such as in the center of Yerevan, no trace remains of the citywall and the Khan's palace to the mosque. If the Erivan khanate, where 90% of Azerbaijani Turks and 10% of the population were equally Armenians and theKurds, today Armenia is perhaps the most mono-ethnic state in the world. Well,that is the latest example of ethnic cleansing - the seizure of the territory of Azerbaijan in the Karabakh war was accompanied by physical destruction ofthe local population. Throughout the occupied territories of Azerbaijan byArmenia, not a single Azerbaijani. Here we should mention a very importantfact, namely the active participation on the side of Armenian military units of the Soviet Army (366 motorized infantry regiment in the attack on Khojaly) andis in addition to the transmission Armenian militants including heavy weapons -artillery, tanks and armored personnel carriers. The tragedy of Khojaly and Aghdam (totally ruined city), this is the most that neither is genocide, as itwere the final chord of the enlightened 20th century - the bloodiest in thehistory of civilization.<o></o
Since it has been agreed on a cease-firetook 19 years, but the political resolution of the Karabakh conflict has notbeen found and is primarily the fault of Russia, which, in fact, supports anaggressive policy of Armenia, so that there is a military base, keeping thusits military presence in the region. At any point you want to eliminateAzerbaijan as the main key competitor sales of hydrocarbons Kremlin could givethe go-ahead Armenian Nazis, eager to continue the seizure of the territoryunder the "Great Armenia".<o></o Of the world's rabble gathered aroundPutin's Russia, Tehran bigots and Armenian Nazis occupy special place of honor,as strategic allies. Modern Iran is probably the only one on today's full andself-sufficient, unlike Armenia, an ally of Russia. General political and economic problems in the region pull together to Moscow and Tehran, and their alliance directed against the Turkic countries of the Caspian Basin and especially against Azerbaijan as a key participant in all projects on transportation ofhydrocarbons to the West. If Moscow sees Azerbaijan as a potentially dangerous competitor, threatening to under mine the monopoly of the Russian market of hydrocarbons, which can result in economic disaster for her, that Iran has moreto fear from its northern neighbor.<o></o
Having gained independence after nearly 200 years of colonial residence in the Russian Empire Northern Azerbaijan was able to dispose of their wealth. Having chosen the democratic path and rejecting attempts were made to introduce Iran's northern neighbor in the bosom of religion, through the organization of religious schools in Baku and invitations to free education of young people in the Iranian madrasahs (I must pay tribute,this initiative has not generated much enthusiasm nor the Azerbaijani people, nor the authorities) , Azerbaijan today shows the high rate of development and not just economic. Positive changes have affected virtually all areas, including all kinds of international events. Could Azerbaijan, while in the USSR, to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest and take prizes. Freedom has given the opportunity to open Visits Azerbaijan. Modern Baku - shining gem on thecoast of the Caspian Sea - a metropolis, the appearance of which is literallypermeated with the spirit of the East and the West, a fine example ofmulticulturalism, which deliberately see the danger of interested parties fromTel Aviv, Baku - the city in which there is no hint of antagonism civilizations, so carefully cultivated by the ayatollahs in Tehran. By the way,if we are talking about Israel and Iran, Azerbaijan is a country may be, by means of which will be to clarify their relationship Israel and Iran.<o></o

Independent and successful secular Northern Azerbaijan from 9 million people, like a bone in the throat of Tehran obscurantist, since it is a good example of what can give the people freedom and democracy. This is especially concerned with Iran 35 million Turks of SouthAzerbaijan, and their natural tendency to unite in a single state. If we add tothis the claims of Iran's oil and gas riches of the Caspian Sea, the clear appearance of a strategic axis of the Moscow-Yerevan-Tehran. Evil Empire, has lost all its allies and vassals or rather, did not find anything better than to nourish, myself like a monster that is about to start waving like the Soviet Union raised over World nuclear club. But above all, Iran is a threat to neighboring Muslim countries, and all this rhetoric about Tehran's unfortunate Palestinians only skillfully used propaganda to gain credibility in the Muslim world in the hope that after the Iranian Islamic revolution, followed by otherMuslim countries.<o></o
We should point out the fact incriminatingIslamic clerics in the ideological hypocrisy, namely the fact that, for political purposes, they, along with Christian Armenia and Russia, in fact, are against fellow Shiites of Azerbaijan. This, frankly hostile attitude of there ligious regime to the people with whom Iran has for centuries been historically linked illustrates the falsity of hypocrites from Tehran. Under cover of the Koran for intoxication, above all, a devout Iranian people, they are actually guided by purely practical advantage, pushin g a seemingly important - Islam, by the way side.

In a strategic axis of the Moscow-Yerevan-Tehran active role for Armenia. Moscow advantageous to keep the smoldering Karabakh conflict, so that at any point you give the go-ahead to those who taste the smell of blood Armenian Dashnaks, eager to continue the aggression against the people of Azerbaijan. The main purpose of this Armenian Nazis wiped out Northern Azerbaijan, destroying the people of Azerbaijan. It isthe physical removal of Azerbaijanis and not the other way, as it has done inthe Azerbaijani territory occupied by it as a result of the Karabakh war, it ispossible to create a "Greater Armenia". Like the run-flat with chainmad dog Armenian soldiers rush to the flat part of Azerbaijan, to draw in theruins of Baku and Ganja and put the world with a fait accompli.

However, the implementation of these plans, the enemy is Turkey, which has prevented dashnaks times, in 1918, sent an army to rescue the people of Azerbaijan on the total extermination undertaken by the Dashnak unprecedented scale massacres. In Nagorno-Karabakh war, Turkey could help Azerbaijan, because the war was fought in the Soviet Union, and any actionon the part of Turkey would be regarded as outside interference. This time, inthe event of an attack of Armenia against Azerbaijan, the situation isfundamentally different. Realizing that Turkey will not remain on thesidelines, the Armenian propaganda was again recently intensively exploited lieabout the genocide in hopes to deceive the public, to provide Turkey a pariahof the international community and to organize various kinds of international sanctions, including the military, if Turkey will support Azerbaijan in case of renewal Karabakh conflict.<o></o
Here we come to the answer to the question why Armenia is so necessary for Turkey to recognize the Armenian genocide, and even 100 years later, and what lies behind those tenacity with which the Armenian propaganda to spread lies about the genocide. All becomes clear when you consider the purpose of the Armenian Nazis - "Greater Armenia"from sea to sea, which provides for the seizure of northern Azerbaijan. Judgingby the undisguised plans Armenian Nazis wiped off the political map of the state of Azerbaijan, they want to neutralize Turkey, tied her hands recognitionof the genocide, and would deal with Azerbaijan without the intervention of Turkey. And then, having access to the riches of the Caspian Sea, Armenia, with the support of the all-powerful Armenian lobby has to present a claim toTurkey.<o></o The only thing with a high degree oftension can be accused authorities of the Ottoman Empire is in the disarmament and deportation of Armenians from the front line, where the Armenians committedtreacherous massacre of unarmed people, it is insidious, because the Armeniansrebelled not against the regular army, and suddenly began to ruthlessly cutcivilians. On the other hand, that the authorities could have done to protectthe rear in anticipation of the upcoming Russian army. To the credit of theTurkish government, any repressive action not taken by the army of deportation.Not to recall the deportation of Japanese San Francisco and their isolation onthe island after the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. By the way,unlike the Armenians in Turkey, the U.S. subjected to deportation and even theJapanese did not give a reason for any statements in support of Japan. In theTurkish authorities did not have at hand the island to move out there hostile Armenians. The tragedy occurred because the deported Armenians were among Turksand Kurds who fled early from the Armenian massacres. Spontaneous violence ofthe common people of the Armenian rebels who threw the corpses of tortured Muslims wells in the villages to the survivors and thoughts did not think aboutthe return, can hardly be taken as a genocide, as Armenians would like theNazis of "Faction". Real culprit Dashnak Armenians in Turkey are with their chimerical idea of ​​"Great Armenia", by analogy with theGerman Nazis, who dream of a "Greater Germany" - the main culprits ofthe disaster, especially the German people, and the organizers of the genocide of Jews and Gypsies.<o></o