Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
Nobody knows and nobody can prove how old the earth is . Nobody knows or can prove how old the universe is. I've always thought the immense time span given for earth's age was given to allow for the theory of Evolution. Eons of million year time spans are the magic elixir that allows for evolution. Instead of magic fairy dust they used incomprehensible lengths of time to allow for the changes in earth and its creatures. Since nobody knows or can prove earth's age I'm going with somewhere between 7 to 11 million years . I always liked those numbers and won a lot money with them......--Tyr
I dunno Ty. I have more confidence in the math of the creation of the universe than I have in global climate change. When you get a chance, take a look at some good photos of the Grand Canyon and realize how many years it takes to pack down an inch of sediment and then figure out how long it took to first make that canyon and how much longer it took a river to cut it out. They say you can see almost back to the beginning of earth time in that canyon if you know what to look for. All i know is it is very very old and not 6,000 or 10,000 years old.