yep....we HUMANS seldom take our own advice but are liberal in giving it to others. My wife had actually been contemplating that we both eat better given the history of diabetes, heart failure, cancer and so many other things on BOTH sides of our family. The final draw was in my "THINKING/FEELING as thought I had lost weight (when in fact, I had gained). Now I know that two pounds isn't much but a couple of years ago I told (promised myself) that I would diet and exercise (IF) and (WHEN) I go over 275. Well, that came and went and my body frame/style hid my condition well, but I then promised myself that I 280 was it and (IF) I got any heavier, I'd have to do something. Well, 285 came and I did pretty good keeping it at that so I simply let it go. NOW, I've gotten two pounds more over many months so it is time to nip it in the bud....before I step up and the scale reads 0. HA!!! They don't make them past 299 so I refuse to be "that guy". It has gone on long enough. I prefer to hunt from blinds in my wisdom but if I must force myself to start climbing trees again as I once did for be it. I need to start doing much more and now that I see a break in the publication process of two very good clients, I will actually have more time on my hands (AWAY from the computer). Been having trouble with my tractor and am in the process of looking for a newer one....that'll keep me "ACTIVE" cutting and clearing and making food plots. I also need to start cutting firewood and hanging deer stands. I'm sure that this alone will cut 10 pounds off QUICK. IF I start shooting again (as I should) I will probably be able to slice another 5 pounds going back and forth to the target. I don't know how you shoot BUT I shoot only one arrow. It isn't that I'm cheap or don't have enough arrows (because I do have a great number of arrows....although I am VERY cheap). The fact of the matter is; I shoot one arrow and think about my release and form as I walk to retrieve my arrow. You usually get only one shot at a deer so I practice accordingly. I even walks quickly on a steep grade before shooting to simulate the heart rate one has when a deer approaches. It is all good practice for a hunt and as you well get only one shot at tournaments as well. In fact, I'm going to re-post this so that it may help someone like Jeff later on. I believe it to be a good habit to get into.