9/11 in DC is starting to look like a serious melting pot, no way should the Muslims of planned this march on this day and they have changed the name to the march of fear and as long as they march on 9/11 I think that is very appropriate, now we have another group wanting in on it, the one stating Obama must go, man the police are going to be busy up there

The rapidly expanding grassroots effort to impeach President Obama is now turning its sights on the Million Muslim March planned for Sept. 11.
Although now, the march has undergone a public-relations makeover and the organizers, the American Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC), have changed its name to “Million American March Against Fear.”
Fear of what?
AMPAC claims,” Many non-Muslim Americans are terrified of Muslims, who are portrayed by Hollywood and the U.S. media as fanatical terrorists. Muslims, too, live in fear – of being dragged off in the night to Guantanamo and tortured, simply for the crime of being Muslim in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
What bothers James Neighbors, the founder of Overpasses for Obama’s Impeachment, is AMPAC is choosing to make its statement on the very day fanatical Muslim terrorists did indeed kill some 3,000 Americans, on Sept. 11, twelve years ago.
“They could’ve picked any other day of the year. There’s 364 other days of the year they could’ve picked, but the fact they chose 9/11 just simply apppears to be a slap in the face to America and an insult to every American who died in attacks on those days (in 2001 and 2012.)”
