
Hasan, who acted as his own attorney during trial, declined to address the jury of 13 military officers.
"I have no closing statement,'' he said.

Mulligan said earlier that while Hasan's acts were religiously motivated, jurors shouldn't punish him for being a Muslim.

"History is replete with death in the name of religion. The acts of 5 November were religiously motivated. You should not punish him for his religion,'' Mulligan told jurors. "You should punish him for his hate. You should punish him for the action he took in the name of his religion, not for his religion."

Prosecutors rested witness testimony in the sentencing phase of the case Tuesday, with a string of victims and loved ones of those killed in the shooting massacre tearfully talking about the fallout on their lives.

A death sentence would require a unanimous verdict by the jury of 13 military officers. At minimum, Hasan faces life imprisonment.

A verdict could come within hours.