This is just disgusting , next we will have blacks acting out because they where slaves , Jews Because of the Holocaust and so on, time to leave the past in the past , I get so tired of hearing what happened to the poor people when there isn't one alive that was there to see it, and this Lickers ( yes that is her last name , dang I wish she went to school with me the jokes are endless ) Lady thinks because she is a native American she can destroy a 9/11 Memorial , I seriously hope they make a example out of her.

According to Breitbart: "Student protesters rip 2,977 American flags out of ground at 9/11 memorial. The 9/11: Never Forget Project has been an annual nonpartisan event at Middlebury College for the past ten years. By participating in the 9/11: Never Forget Project, students honor the victims of the attacks, as well as honor the American principles for which they died...The protesters told Ben Kinney, president of the conservative club on campus, they were 'confiscating' the flags in protest of 'America's imperialism.'" The ringleader of this "protest" is a woman by the name of Amanda Lickers. She is Native American. The purpose of her protest was to highlight the misdeeds the United States committed against the Natives long ago. Lickers defended herself on (Lack of capitalization is her bad):