As the Halloween Capital of the World, we do Halloween better than any other city.

All month long, there are festivals, chili-cookoffs, formal events, and 3 parades.

It all builds to the last weekend in October before 10/31, with Friday, Saturday, and Sunday rivaling anything you'd see in New Orleans on Mardi Gras or Carnivale in Rio.

This is the weekend. Serum's has the tent all set up and ready to go for the 21+ only block party, Johnny Holm Band headlining for Saturday. GB Leighton, Snaggletoof and Rockgodz are tomorrow night. Costume contest which you can win a trip to Vegas (at least that was the last few years, destination may change), Lions club beer trucks in there pouring Summit and Coors Light all evening long.

Kiwanis have the pancake breakfast and bake sale until 12:30 on Sunday for all of your hangover needs.

This town will have over 40,000 people watching the parade and participating in the activities on Saturday. Most of the women who have grown up here spend more time and put more careful thought on their costumes each year, than their wedding dress and prom dresses combined.

And my shop is in the middle of it all. I am SO gonna win the costume contest this year. Just sayin'.