I believe in what this article says a lot, the only thing I would like to add is this should ( and does ) go for all races and religions. The problem is , is that I can't think of any one group that does keep to itself so much, yes to a certain point I imagine most that are different look for those alike to hang with , but they don't kill in the name of Allah.

We often hear that “America is a land of immigrants,” especially from those advocating a path to citizenship for people who have defied our sovereign rule of law and are here illegally.

Great advice

I recall the words of President Theodore Roosevelt who believed no man should be discriminated against because of where he was born, but insisted any immigrant who arrives on our shores should become an American in terms of faith, allegiance and language, “If he tries to keep segregated with men of his own origin and separated from the rest of America, then he isn’t doing his part as an American. We have room for but one soul loyalty, and that is loyalty to the American people.”
So very true.

As those of us not under the spell of political correctness know, Islam does not coexist. And in its “Al Hijra” views immigration, as Greenfield says, “a form of supremacist manifest destiny to colonize the Dar al-Harb (the non-Islamic world) and subdue it with sheer numbers or sheer force” -– just look at Europe if you need proof.