Like everthing else that is happening in the world, avoid the rhectoric, morality questions, historical ( and hysterical ) context and the rest of the liberal blah blah blah, to understand what is happening, get hold of a good reference book which will give the populations of various parts of the world in the 40s and compare those with the present numbers.
In particular look at the figures for the West Bank and Gaza at the time of the creation of the Jewish state. The vast increases are due to an abnormally high birthrate which has been generated courtesy of the UN. This means a corresponding vast number of young men ( and children ) who have nothing else to do with their lives but to try to kill Israelis. The increase in the Jewish population on the otherhand has been simple migration of the SAME ETHNIC PEOPLE ( unlike that of the US ) which has been supported by Israel's ability to create high tech employment.