Quote Originally Posted by Dilloduck View Post
What kind of ignorant statement is that ? Their job consists of way more than staying alive. Show them some respect by giving them credit for the incredible amount of work they do.
Sorry if the truth offends you, Mr War Hawk, but when you are in the middle of a civil war that your leadership fails to recognize but the troops on the ground see all too well, your job is to stay alive until your ass gets rotated out of the war zone because very little of what you do (outside of killing people who are shooting at you) accomplishes the "goal" of subduing the insurgency. Military solutions are only one part of the equation but they are the only part that your Boy George is working on and it is failing. Political and economic solutions are being ignored and we are paying for it with the lives of our troops.

Go back and show me where I have shown anything other than respect for our troops, asshole, and the tremendous job they do before you try and smear me with that neocon bullshit of yours. Bring the link and the quote or shut the fuck up.