Quote Originally Posted by Arbo View Post
The truth is not a rant, it's just the truth. You can continue to try and fail, feel free, lord knows loads have done it before you. Anyone with more than a few functioning brain cells can see there is a very limited number of people around here that have anything worth listening to, that are capable of logic and reason, or even know what 'debate' is. The rest are zombies, just like those on the other 'side' they rail on about.

Good lord you f-tard, even you have said as much: http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthre...650#post690650
... and the real point of posting this, here, is .... ??

I've a suggestion.

It may well be that Kcasper can decide for himself how he views the exchanges he'll see here, and gets involved with. I say ... enjoy ....