Walmart in the UK trades under the name Asda. I am interested to find out if the treatment handed out to me in the UK differs from that I could expect in the States. Now mobile phones I loath ( you can be 'got at' at any time, any place ) and the people who use them in public and shout their personal life to any one who have the misfortune to be near them ( have you noticed that they rarely seem to listen only gab - is there any one at the other end? ) are idiots. That being said they do come in useful in emergencies ( provide you keep them switched off most the time ) and I purchased a mobile from Walmart and joined their system. Recently they changed operators with the result:

(1) I cannot get my credit back unless I go though an impossible number of hurdles.
(2) I have to get my mobile phone unlocked privately ( which does not always work ) in order to accept their new SIM.

(3) can take it or leave it!