Either this guy was terribly uninformed, or he is lying through his teeth. This story is so incredibly hard to believe. The odds of everything happening as they said is close to zilch. And even then, they still have trouble closing the gaps in prior testimony to congress. Issa was spot on in his bolded comments below. And in the end, what will happen? Nothing at all.


IRS head says no obstruction of Congress in probe

WASHINGTON (AP) — The head of the IRS brushed aside accusations Monday that the agency has obstructed investigations into the targeting of tea party and other political groups, even as Republican lawmakers questioned his credibility.

Commissioner John Koskinen was appearing at a rare evening hearing on Capitol Hill to answer questions about lost emails by a key figure in the probe. On Tuesday, the committee will hear from a White House official who once worked at the IRS.

"I know tonight will be difficult, and it deserves to be difficult for both sides," said Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., chairman of the House Oversight Committee. "We have a problem with you, and you have a problem with maintaining your credibility."

Issa accused Koskinen of misleading the Oversight Committee in the spring, when he promised to turn over Lois Lerner's emails. Since then, the IRS has disclosed that Lerner's computer crashed in 2011, losing an unknown number of those emails.

Koskinen said he first learned there was a problem with Lerner's computer in February, but didn't learn that emails were lost until April. The IRS notified Congress June 13.

Lerner is the former head of the division that processes applications for tax-exempt status. The Oversight Committee is investigating the handling of applications from tea party and other political groups.

"I subpoenaed you here tonight because, frankly, I'm sick and tired of your game-playing in response to congressional oversight," Issa told Koskinen. "You, commissioner, are the president's hand-picked man to restore trust and accountability at the IRS. You testified under oath in March that you would produce all of Lois Lerner's emails subpoenaed by this committee."

"Mr. Commissioner, at a minimum you didn't tell the whole truth that you knew on that day," Issa added.
