"People hospitalized with a firearm injury are 30 times more likely to return to the hospital with another firearm injury than people hospitalized for other reasons. And they're 11 times more likely to die from gun violence within the next five years, according to a study commissioned by the Seattle City Council."

That sounds scary. It sounds shocking, and it's supposed to. It's meant to scare you into action...

Now City Councilmember Tim Burgess sent out a press release about these results and this is what he said:

"The evidence shows gun violence begets gun violence. If you are harmed by a gun, you are much more likely to be harmed again or to harm others," said Burgess. "It is unfortunate that the National Rifle Association has blocked this type of research at the national level because it provides valuable information for policymakers and the public."

Now to me, that quote just reeks of the City Council spending $150,000 to make a political point. This was not about the NRA. The research didn't look into the NRA. That just reeks of some sort of agenda.