Humanitarian truce? Why? Because the last one worked so well? Because you honored the last one and can be trusted? Fuck you.

Drive them into the sea, I say, and end it once and for all.

DOHA, July 23 (Reuters) - Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal called on Wednesday for a temporary truce to allow humanitarian relief into Gaza, but said his group would keep fighting against an Israeli offensive and would not agree to a more lasting ceasefire without full negotiation of terms.

"We are very interested to have a humanitarian truce as we did last Thursday. We need the calm for a few hours to evacuate the wounded and assist in the relief... This means a real truce backed by a real relief programme offered to the people of Gaza," he said at a news conference in Qatar.
Hamas leader calls for humanitarian truce in Gaza

The difference between the two parties here? We would expect Israel to honor a truce while none of us are surprised when, not if, when, Hamas doesn't.

Fuck 'em. You can't negotiate with terrorists. Ever.