Quote Originally Posted by Redrose View Post
I do believe we'd be better off with giving power back to the states.

I'm English and Italian from New York. I have a long fuse, but when it burns out, oh my!
I agree wholeheartedly! It was the STATES who came together and forged our law of the land and system and it was the States that demanded certain provisions such as the RIGHT to keep and bear arms (to prevent their State from falling victim to an overbearing federal gov). FACT. It is also fact that much of our lost RIGHTs and FREEDOMS have gradually been taken away (not from STATE decisions) but from tyrannical and ant-Constitutional leaders from within the federal gov. Bush was one of the worst to trample on the Constitution and B.O. seems to be a BUSH on steroids (something I've said for YEARS now).

We seem to no longer be a Republic and many folks truly don't know what a republic is. We have false republics under the guise of communism and dictatorships so the title has been degraded to the point that many folks would shun from the idea if they even understood the meaning of a true republic. When our system or the wishes of the people is overridden by the few (as with Nazi Germany) we are treading down the wrong path.

I am approximately 20% Italian, 60% Scot and 15% Cherokee out of the Smoky mountains....later settling in the Mid-South where my 5% "OTHER" came into the picture and I'll admit that I have a very short fuse. I've worked on this for my entire life, have gotten much better to control myself but I don't feel that control is necessarily a good thing cuz keeping a lid on the pressure cooker only accounts for a major disaster later. HA!!! Yet, I believe many Americans fall under this scenario and will be the only thing to save this Nation. This easing into this or that has caused us to shrug but when push comes to shove, I believe it will get very ugly and in a moment's notice. As Jefferson proclaimed, that'll be a good thing.

Have a good one everyone.