Quote Originally Posted by gabosaurus View Post
I have always considered this the turning point of the war. Hitler got too greedy. He somehow felt the air attacks on London would force a surrender. When it didn't happen immediately, he decided to attack Russia. Which Stalin pretty much anticipated.
If the German navy and Luftwaffe had blockaded the U.K., the Brits would have been forced to negotiate. For some reason, Hitler didn't want that. He wanted outright surrender, which was not coming.
The cat and mouse game between Hitler and Stalin on the Eastern Front makes for fascinating and horrifying reading. How both of them used their own people as pieces on a giant chess board.
Stalin was actually caught completely off guard. He thought he and Hitler were going to divide Europe between them.

Blockading The UK would not have worked, as evidenced by two world wars. Hitler's strategic downfall was switching from going after the RAF to going after population centers. The RAF could not have sustained even two more months of being targeted. It wasn't that they weren't good. Attrition was their enemy.