Quote Originally Posted by artur axmann View Post
I wouldn't take Churchill's word for anything . When Drunk or Sober..
While it's true that the Fuhrer had at one time dreams of expanding the reich into slavic held territory under soviet control, ;all these dreams were abandoned by 41-42
The lack of resources and the inability to compete with the Brit navy convinced the fuhrer to drive south eastward toward Iran .
To cut the brits off from the canal and to acquire oil from Iran.
it was all ad hoc after that especially when Rommel couldn't hold on to bengazi .. you've heard of bengazi haven't you..
This led the fuhrer to decide the only other course which was, to level a knockout punch to the soviets in light of the fact that war with stalin was inevitable.
I don't know about anyone else, but my head hurt while attempting to comprehend such insanely convoluted logic.
I can't wait for your Holocaust Denial thread. It ought to be a doozy.