Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
Her point is actually valid. Extremists are extremists. Doesn't matter what they call themselves if their actions are contrary to their stated beliefs. Trying to apply arbitrary, selective parameters to the issue doesn't fly. Christians have murdered millions in the name of Christianity. Those bodies didn't go away in 2014, nor 2000. There was nothing Christian about their behavior.

Shoe on the other foot .... what did we do in the 1700's about an occupying force in our country? The west has exploited the ME for centuries. Wouldn't you be kind of tired of having an Arab in your back yard telling you what to do and stealing your natural resources and charging you for it? I think we call that the American Revolution, right?

How about treason against our King?

No common sense nor logic applied. Western arrogance. We, the People can wage a war of terrorism against our own government (back when we had the balls to unlike now), and it's okay. But because we're so right and they're so wrong ... never mind it's none our damned business ... we can try to dictate to the rest of the world. Hypocrisy unbound. We don't practice what we preach. We ruin everything we touch.
150 years ago the US had slavery. By your logic all folks today are slave owners and should be condemn for what people did in the past. There's only one group that continues it's past actions and that's muslims. They have not come out of that 7th century mindset. And I do lump all of them together. The scum floats to the top but the rest of the water holds it up and feeds it.

The Japanese had Shinto. They believed the emperor was a god. They didn't practice Buddhism as a whole. Shinto was outlawed after WW2 in Japan.

And before you start your attacks and threats remember, I AM a combat veteran. Been there done that. But for the purposes of this post it doesn't make any difference. So puffing out your chest with words won't get you anywhere except maybe a trip to the ER because your blood pressure went through the roof.