Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
I am in the midst of cleaning things up, but want to reply to this first.

Where do you get this crap from? Gunny is now running things with impunity? That's a load of crap. I have closed several threads because of him, pointed him out publicly for several issues he started and not that it's any of your business, but also been talking with him about things in PM. And now he's a "special member" with the right to do as he pleases? I don't see it much different than those who are following him and doing similarly.

I got a novel idea, how about responding to the members involved, instead of somehow trying to draw staff into this bullshit?

And why is staff only blamed when it's a member some don't like? I don't see the complaints about other members taking threads off topic all the time?

Seriously, SAVE the complaints about staff, it's not working, and its NOT US who are getting involved in all of this petty bullshit.
I get to do what I want? Shit. When did THIS happen? You're supposed to inform me of this shit.

You mean I did all that without playing the 10,000 PM whines a day to the admin?

I must be good.