Gaffer has been a member and around with some of us for many years. In case some of you were unaware, the other member posting as "Trinity" is his daughter. Gaffer has been diagnosed with cancer. Trinity is busting her ass behind the scenes to help Dad and go to doctors and hospitals.

What if all of us were neighbors? What would we do to help at a time like this? Maybe bring over some warm dinners when they don't have the time to cook. Drop off some rented movies they can share together but didn't have time to prepare things. Maybe help a little so that getting the next set of medications is just a little bit easier. Maybe even just offer a ride so that they save some gas....

I would like for the DP community to do our part from afar. I don't know about everyone else, but Gaffer and Trinity mean more to me than my neighbors. I sure wish I was a neighbor to them though, so that I could do my little part to help make even one day a little easier for them. But we can still help. I would like to have a fund drive for a week or two (not everyone is here every day) and get a little something off to them that can help. I'm thinking a gift card is best, with a card, with a list of hints on what WE would do if we were there to help in person.

So please, if you can... At the top of the board - in the center - you will see the DONATE button with a list of credit cards beneath it. You can donate with your Paypal account or with your credit card, and no joining of Paypal is necessary. *** When making this donation - PLEASE put your name in the comments section. I don't always know by the email address donating. Also, PLEASE put in the comments section what it is you would do or get for them if you were there. This will just help me with our ideas is all. ***

I will be meticulous with record keeping. I will hold onto screenshots of all donations. I will also take photos of the gift card prior to mailing. Not entirely necessary, but just so that everyone is assured that 100% of this is for them. I can even let DMP log into my Paypal account after the fact for verification if necessary.

The amount doesn't matter. Every little bit matters and helps.