First off let me say that this thread isn't in reference to any mod or admin here. It's generally speaking. This is just a generalization against a group of people and not a personal attack against anyone in particular. Please, no ad hominem attacks against anyone in this thread. I'm sure a mod or admin will give you the appropriate warnings and/or punishments that other posters have received if you engage in any personal attacks. Let's keep it civil. Just share your experiences and opinions about mods and admins in general.

It's been my experience that the more mods and admins a board has, the worse it is. Especially when a board is slanted to the left or right and everyone is good buddies with one another. Mods or admins who can't moderate and facilitate objectively are the worst though. IMO, mods or admins who engage in personal flame fests at the very hint of disagreement but then hide behind their ability to ban someone when they get it in return are a bunch of pussies. Those are the type of people who probably got their asses kicked everyday in high school and are now using their mod or admin powers to make up for the psychological abuse they took way back then. In fact, I believe those mods and admins who exhibit that type of behavior have a mental illness. Of course, I've no scientific proof that it's a mental illness but based on my experiences with mods and admins, it's my opinion that they might be. People like that should seriously seek help and be cured before they destroy the fabric of society. The next thing you know they're going to want to marry goats and shit. Seriously.

Again, I'm not talking about anyone in particular or even this board, even. Just speaking about a bunch of people in general. Thank God the mods and admins here are such great advocates of free speech and allow us to engage in generalizations about a group of people.

Anyone else got any experiences or stories they'd like to share about mods and admins in general?