Bumping this thread as a reminder. I know not everyone can, but IF you can, I can't think of a better cause! Even small donations can be made with Paypal, or any credit card, whether you have a Paypal account or not. I'll probably run this through Thanksgiving, and perhaps the weekend just after, to give enough time.

So repeating from my first post above:

So please, if you can... At the top of the board - in the center - you will see the DONATE button with a list of credit cards beneath it. You can donate with your Paypal account or with your credit card, and no joining of Paypal is necessary. *** When making this donation - PLEASE put your name in the comments section. I don't always know by the email address donating. Also, PLEASE put in the comments section what it is you would do or get for them if you were there. This will just help me with our ideas is all. ***