I say give them all the drugs they want, the story says violent criminals rushed the infirmary and guzzled meds to kill themselves. They went on a hunger strike first, man let them go, I wish the violent prisoners would do that in all prisons.

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) – Pressure is building on Venezuela's government to fully investigate a rising number of deaths at an overcrowded prison, with human rights activists questioning authorities' claim of a mass drug overdose by dozens of inmates who stormed an infirmary.
After days of conflicting reports from the government and family members, the depth of the tragedy at David Viloria prison in western Venezuela became clearer Friday when authorities confirmed that 35 inmates had died and said 20 of an additional 100 still being treated for intoxication were in comas.
The government has said the troubles at the prison began Monday with a hunger strike for better conditions. A group of violent inmates raided the prison infirmary and then guzzled down a deadly mix of pure alcohol with drugs used to treat diabetes, epilepsy and high blood pressure, officials say.