`Big Bear Brewing Company in Coral Gables, Florida is normally a quiet place with a reserved atmosphere. But, one night, the restaurant got far more out of control action than they would care to see and it was all because of the bill run up by a group of patrons......................................

`A table full of people became upset when their waitress brought the bill that they had accumulated. The bill totaled $350. Upset over the amount of their bill, they people became rowdy and complained. The waitress then took the bill to the manager who discounted the bill. That obviously was not good enough for the thugs at the table because at that point, the violence began.

One of the men threw change at the waitress and yelled, “That’s your tip.” Then, things got even more crazy and scary.`

According to witnesses, two of the men jumped up from the table, chased one of the men working at the restaurant into the kitchen and started beating him. When the man could not take anymore and fell down, the assailants picked up beer mugs and started beating him in the head.`

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